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Roadmap to unite in the fight for change: ADS launches strategic plan 2023-27 with its united partners to reduce diabetes impact


Thank you for joining the conversation during National Diabetes Week.

To end the week, we are launching our new strategic plan.

The diabetes epidemic is one of the largest and most complex health challenges in Australia.

It touches millions of lives across the country and impacts every part of our health system and its impact is growing.

Without action, diabetes will continue to negatively impact people’s lives and our health system.

We understand the urgent need for change—to change the lives of millions of Australians who are living with diabetes or will develop the condition in the years ahead.

During National Diabetes Week on 9–15 July, Diabetes Australia and its unified partners kickstarted Australia’s biggest conversation about the impact of the condition in this country.

A conversation to drive change and create hope for the future.

This week has been all about the diabetes community coming together to discuss the big issues: what needs to be done to better support Australians living with diabetes and change the trajectory of the diabetes epidemic.

People living with diabetes, health professionals, and researchers have all joined the conversation this week, providing a richness of discussion.

This diversity is what the diabetes community is all about. This collaboration is what makes us strong. This is how we unite in the fight for change.

There’s no better time to launch our plan—our roadmap to unite in the fight for change.

Today, we are launching our Strategic Plan 2023–2027 alongside the new strategic plans of our partner organisations, the Diabetes Australia Group and the Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA), to show our shared commitment to leading the fight against Australia’s biggest health crisis and improving the lives of people living with diabetes.

Play the video below to learn about our shared commitment and development of the collaborative strategic plans of the ADS, Diabetes Australia, and the ADEA.

Watch this video about our shared commitment and development of the collaborative strategic plans of Diabetes Australia, the ADEA and the ADS.

Our new Australian Diabetes Society strategic plan outlines our bold ambition for the future – a future where diabetes can do no harm. It articulates our plan to:

  • advocate for more funding for diabetes research and workforce support
  • provide high quality and evidence-based education to diabetes specialists and other health professionals involved in the care of people living with diabetes
  • produce clinical guidelines, position and consensus statements to ensure that the person with diabetes is receiving the best possible evidence-based care
  • develop a national diabetes research strategy to support the diabetes research workforce conduct world-class research in the aetiology and management of diabetes and its complications

It’s time to unite in the fight for change.

Download a copy of ADS’s Strategic Plan 2023–2027. and the plans for Diabetes Australia Group and the ADEA.