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Potential Unification with Diabetes Australia: a national conversation

ADS has been a member organisation of Diabetes Australia since the 1980s along with the Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA), Diabetes NSW & ACT, Diabetes Queensland, Diabetes Victoria, Diabetes Tasmania, and the Kellion Diabetes Foundation. Recently, some of these members (Diabetes QLD, Diabetes NSW/ACT) formally asked Diabetes Australia to consider unification with their members, if and when their members choose to unify. To enable this, Diabetes Australia  s members voted unanimously to approve a proposed change to Diabetes Australia  s constitution. The change also allows for other member organisations to consider unifying. Several member organisations are now having a conversation with their members about the possibility of unifying. ADS is actively participating in this national conversation with ADS members, the Australian Diabetes Educators Association and Diabetes Australia.

More information please download our FAQ. We ask ADS members to send any enquiries regarding the potential unification with Diabetes Australia to the ADS CEO; A/Professor Sof Andrikopoulos via email to