
The Australian Diabetes Society is jointly involved in collaboration with the following organisations on a number of Working Parties related to Diabetes projects:

  • Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA)
    ADEA stands for professionalism, innovation, relevance and personalisation in all that we do. We recognise the rights of those affected by the risk of diabetes, their carers, and their families, and always act to meet individual needs and concerns.

  • Diabetes Australia (DA)
    Diabetes Australia works to raise awareness about the seriousness of diabetes, promoting prevention and early detection strategies and advocating for better standards of care. We support and develop outstanding diabetes research in Australia. Diabetes Australia administers the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) an initiative of the Australian Government.

  • Australia and New Zealand Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (ANZSPED)
    ANZSPED is the premier professional body representing paediatric endocrinology in Australasia and is committed to high standards of clinical care, advocacy, education, stakeholder relationships and research in paediatric endocrinology. With a broad membership of paediatric endocrinologists and allied health professionals, ANZSPED is underpinned by a number of active subcommittees.

  • Australasian Diabetes In Pregnancy Society (ADIPS)
    The Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society is a professional body established to advance clinical and scientific knowledge of diabetes in pregnancy, to encourage dissemination of this knowledge and to foster collaboration with other regional societies interested in diabetes in pregnancy. It is also involved in the development of health policy regarding diabetes in pregnancy at the National and State levels.