Clinical Guidelines

ADS Guidelines for Routine Glucose Control In Hospital (2012)

Date: January 2012 | Category: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus | Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |

The 2012 ADS Guidelines for Routine Glucose Control in Hospital have been developed over the last year, and cover a range of areas including general hospital wards, myocardial infarction, stroke, steroid-induced hyperglycaemia, enteral and parenteral feeding, insulin pump therapy, end of life situations, the optimal means for achieving glucose control, routine measures in hospital, and how to follow-up patients with newly discovered hyperglycaemia. The guidelines were informed by systematic reviews and evidence where there was any; otherwise they were based on consensus.

The Writing Party comprised David Chipps, Shirley Cornelius, Barbara Depczynski, Kristine Heels, David O’Neal, Jennifer Wong, Sophia Zoungas, and Wah Cheung.

Position Statement
Download the ADS Guidelines for Routine Glucose Control in Hospital – PDF (Posted: 2012)


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