National diabetes resources endorsed by the ADS
National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers
The National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers (the Standard) by the National Transport Commission (NTC) provides guidance for rail transport operators to meet their obligations under rail safety law. The Standard describes the requirements for health assessments conducted throughout workers’ employment and applies to all rail transport operators and rail safety workers nationally.
A new edition of the Standard went into effect on 11 November 2024. From 11 November 2024, all health assessments conducted for the purpose of determining fitness for duty of rail safety workers must be conducted according to the new edition of the Standard. Only Authorised Health Professionals trained in the 2024 Standard and registered as Authorised Health Professionals with the AHP Program may conduct assessments under the Standard.
- National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers 2024 – Download PDF
- Rail Standard Consultation Report 2024 – Download PDF
- Rail Standard Summary of Changes 2024 – Download PDF
- Please visit the NTC website to download fact sheets and fillable health assessment forms, and to learn more about the 2024 Standard.
Managing Type 2 Diabetes with Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (TCR)
Diabetes Australia, the American Diabetes Association, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes and Diabetes UK all now recognise therapeutic carbohydrate reduction (TCR) as one of a number of options for the management and potential remission of type 2 diabetes (T2D) (1-4). This document is designed to aid medical management of individuals who have decided to undertake TCR. It is not designed to argue the relative merits of one dietary approach over another.
Please download the Managing Type 2 Diabetes with Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (TCR) document.
Guideline for the Management of Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
People with Type 1 Diabetes have a higher prevalence eating disorders, which often presents initially as disordered eating. Disordered eating includes thoughts and behaviours regarding weight, shape, eating and medicine usage that do not meet diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder but are harmful to health and wellbeing.
Materials developed by the Statewide Diabetes Clinical Network and Diabetes Queensland support clinicians and services to recognise and respond to disordered eating.
- Guideline for the Management of Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes – PDF
- Clinical Excellence QLD T1D DE Intro Presentation – Video
Publications endorsed by the ADS
Diabetes Management Journal
DMJ is the only regular clinical diabetes publication providing:
- Up-to-date, evidence based information
- the latest NHMRC diabetes management guidelines
- best practice management
- news on product development in the management and prevention of diabetes.
As it is a clinical publication access is via password. If you have not been provided a password by your professional association please send a request for the password to our custom publisher: with your full name and AHPRA number.
To read previous editions of the Diabetes Management Journal please visit the DMJ Digital Library.
Assessing Fitness To Drive
- Assessing Fitness To Drive for commercial and private vehicle drivers (medical standards for licensing and clinical management guidelines) 2022 edition
Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Case Reports
Australian Diabetes Society members get 25% off the costs of Article Publishing Charges, helping you communicate your findings and support clinical practice for a global audience. (Submit online via
You can also subscribe to EDMCR, to receive the latest published clinical cases.
Publications produced in consultation with
the assistance of the ADS
Diabetes and Ramadan
Ramadan began on Friday 28 February and ends on Saturday 29 March 2025. To assist health professionals, religious leaders and people with diabetes who fast during Ramadan, the Australian Diabetes Society (ADS), in conjunction and consultation together with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the Diabetes and Ramadan International Alliance (DAR), have produced the following brochures:
- ADS Diabetes and Ramadan Position Statement – PDF
- Ramadan and Diabetes: Guidance Sheet for Imam – PDF
- Management of Diabetes During Ramadan: Quick Reference Guide for Health Professionals – PDF
- RACGP Diabetes management during Ramadan – PDF
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) in the Inpatient Setting
The development of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) has allowed people with diabetes far more freedom and improved capacity for optimal glycaemic control than they have had in the past. The benefits of this technology, however, are not optimally utilised upon patient admission to hospital. With this increased access to CGM, there has been an identified need to provide guidelines for their use in the inpatient setting.
In response to this need, Queensland Health has developed an operational guideline for the management of inpatients – both adults and children – with diabetes mellitus admitted to non-critical settings using continuous glucose monitors. This guideline serves as a framework for staff and patients who are currently using CGM in hospital.
- Inpatient CGM Guideline – Download Word Document
- Inpatient CGM Guideline Supplement – Download Word Document
- Inpatient CGM Clinical Staff Information – Download Word Document
- Inpatient CGM User Agreement – Download Word Document
National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers
The National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers (the Standard) by the National Transport Commission (NTC) provides guidance for rail transport operators to meet their obligations under rail safety law. The Standard describes the requirements for health assessments conducted throughout workers’ employment and applies to all rail transport operators and rail safety workers nationally.
A new edition of the Standard went into effect on 11 November 2024. From 11 November 2024, all health assessments conducted for the purpose of determining fitness for duty of rail safety workers must be conducted according to the new edition of the Standard. Only Authorised Health Professionals trained in the 2024 Standard and registered as Authorised Health Professionals with the AHP Program may conduct assessments under the Standard.
- National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers 2024 – Download PDF
- Rail Standard Consultation Report 2024 – Download PDF
- Rail Standard Summary of Changes 2024 – Download PDF
- Please visit the NTC website to download fact sheets and fillable health assessment forms, and to learn more about the 2024 Standard.
Managing Type 2 Diabetes with Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (TCR)
Diabetes Australia, the American Diabetes Association, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes and Diabetes UK all now recognise therapeutic carbohydrate reduction (TCR) as one of a number of options for the management and potential remission of type 2 diabetes (T2D) (1-4). This document is designed to aid medical management of individuals who have decided to undertake TCR. It is not designed to argue the relative merits of one dietary approach over another.
Please download the Managing Type 2 Diabetes with Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (TCR) document.
Guideline for the Management of Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
People with Type 1 Diabetes have a higher prevalence eating disorders, which often presents initially as disordered eating. Disordered eating includes thoughts and behaviours regarding weight, shape, eating and medicine usage that do not meet diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder but are harmful to health and wellbeing.
Materials developed by the Statewide Diabetes Clinical Network and Diabetes Queensland support clinicians and services to recognise and respond to disordered eating.
- Guideline for the Management of Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes – PDF
- Clinical Excellence QLD T1D DE Intro Presentation – Video
National diabetes resources endorsed by the ADS
National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers
The National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers (the Standard) by the National Transport Commission (NTC) provides guidance for rail transport operators to meet their obligations under rail safety law. The Standard describes the requirements for health assessments conducted throughout workers’ employment and applies to all rail transport operators and rail safety workers nationally.
A new edition of the Standard will come into effect on 11 November 2024. From 11 November 2024, all health assessments conducted for the purpose of determining fitness for duty of rail safety workers must be conducted according to the new edition of the Standard. Only Authorised Health Professionals trained in the 2024 Standard and registered as Authorised Health Professionals with the AHP Program may conduct assessments under the Standard.
- National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers 2024 – Download PDF
- Rail Standard Consultation Report 2024 – Download PDF
- Rail Standard Summary of Changes 2024 – Download PDF
- Please visit the NTC website to download fact sheets and fillable health assessment forms, and to learn more about the 2024 Standard.
Managing Type 2 Diabetes with Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (TCR)
Diabetes Australia, the American Diabetes Association, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes and Diabetes UK all now recognise therapeutic carbohydrate reduction (TCR) as one of a number of options for the management and potential remission of type 2 diabetes (T2D) (1-4). This document is designed to aid medical management of individuals who have decided to undertake TCR. It is not designed to argue the relative merits of one dietary approach over another.
Please download the Managing Type 2 Diabetes with Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction (TCR) document.
Guideline for the Management of Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
People with Type 1 Diabetes have a higher prevalence eating disorders, which often presents initially as disordered eating. Disordered eating includes thoughts and behaviours regarding weight, shape, eating and medicine usage that do not meet diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder but are harmful to health and wellbeing.
Materials developed by the Statewide Diabetes Clinical Network and Diabetes Queensland support clinicians and services to recognise and respond to disordered eating.
Publications endorsed by the ADS
Diabetes Management Journal
DMJ is the only regular clinical diabetes publication providing:
- Up-to-date, evidence based information
- the latest NHMRC diabetes management guidelines
- best practice management
- news on product development in the management and prevention of diabetes.
As it is a clinical publication access is via password. If you have not been provided a password by your professional association please send a request for the password to our custom publisher: with your full name and AHPRA number.
To read previous editions of the Diabetes Management Journal please visit the DMJ Digital Library.
Assessing Fitness To Drive
- Assessing Fitness To Drive for commercial and private vehicle drivers (medical standards for licensing and clinical management guidelines) 2022 edition
Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Case Reports
Australian Diabetes Society members get 25% off the costs of Article Publishing Charges, helping you communicate your findings and support clinical practice for a global audience. (Submit online via
You can also subscribe to EDMCR, to receive the latest published clinical cases.
Publications produced in consultation with
the assistance of the ADS
Diabetes and Ramadan
Ramadan will begin on Friday 28 February and ends on Saturday 29 March 2025. To assist health professionals, religious leaders and people with diabetes who fast during Ramadan, the Australian Diabetes Society (ADS), in conjunction and consultation together with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the Diabetes and Ramadan International Alliance (DAR), have produced the following brochures: