ADS Ranji and Amara Wikramanayake Clinical Diabetes Research Award Application

To be eligible for this award, the applicant must be:

  • A financial member of ADS for at least 12 months at the time of application (must have joined as a member of ADS no later than May 2024 and paid subscription for 2025) and who has provided significant contributions to clinical diabetes research
  • Up to 20 years post-doctoral degree or equivalent e.g. FRACP
  • Australian-based
  • Provide a 1-page overview of how the award funds will further assist their ongoing clinical diabetes research
  • Is available to present the award lecture at the ADS/ADEA Australasian Diabetes Congress in 2025 in person.

Applications, accompanied by a full curriculum vitae, are now invited and should be in the form of a letter not exceeding two pages outlining the applicant’s suitability for the award and a 1-page overview of how the award funds will further assist their ongoing clinical diabetes research. Previous recipients are ineligible to re-apply for this award. 

"*" indicates required fields

Applicant (Nominee's) Full Name*
Are you a current financial member of ADS for at least one year?*
Are you up to 20 years post-doctoral degree or equivalent e.g FRACP*
Have you applied for this award/grant/fellowship previously?*
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